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Editorial Board (Herausgeberinnen)
Dr. med. Marguerite Krasovec Rahmann FMH Dermatologie und Venerologie Schlieren (ZH)
Dr. med. Bettina Rümmelein Fachärztin Dermatologie FMH Präsidentin SGML Kilchberg (ZH)
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Siegfried Borelli, Davos Prof. Dr. med. Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier, Zürich Prof. Dr. med. Ralph M. Trüeb, Wallisellen Prof. Dr. med. Brunello Wüthrich, Zollikerberg
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SZD ist eine eingetragene Marke Erscheinungsweise: 5-mal jährlich
18. Jahrgang, Heft 2/2017, ISSN 2296-6560
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© Rosenfluh Publikationen AG 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall Nachdruck nur mit Genehmigung des Verlags.
Die Schweizer Zeitschrift für Dermatologie und Ästhetische Medizin geht an alle Dermatologen, Allgemeinärzte, Allgemeininternisten sowie teilweise an die Gynäkologen der Deutschschweiz.
Dear Colleagues,
laser and energy device based medicine is a rather new and rapidly developing field. New products and techniques arrive in the market with a rapidly increasing pace. The need for solid, unbiased teaching for the practicing physician is evident. This gap can only and should be filled by scientific nonprofit societies that assure quality teaching without industry interference. As a member of the SGML and ESLD I am happy to see that the societies are at last offering regular teaching courses for their members and other practicing physicians alike.
An occasion to increase your knowledge in the application of laser and EBDs and in consequence to improve the outcomes of your patients.
Join us at one of the teaching courses – you will gain knowledge, encounter and exchange with other physicians, and hopefully just «have a good time»:
I remain with all my best regards,
Dr. Hans-Joachim Laubach Head of Laser Consultation, Department of Dermatology University of Geneva ESLD President
SZD 2/2017